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BIG-N: The B.I.G. Network
BIG-N Mission Values Membership Diary Listing Contact

Business Connects People Locally and Globally

Across Generations, Oceans and Cultures


Our mission is to invest in small business, without any expectation of anything in return:


We offer subsidies to get new businesses started, and help small businesses grow. We pay towards key business assistance, and B2B support, including coaching, training, virtual assistance and the like.


We provide access to information giving you links to other organisations and events that support small business in your area.


We offer scholarships to accredited networking organisations to help take your business to the next level


We promote your business to consumers on our website and across social media and we promote you to our members at our outstanding B2B events

Let us help you with your mission...

Our Values

We believe that business, when done correctly, is a force for good in this world, as it connects people locally and globally, across generations, oceans and cultures, and helps provide the goods and services we all need for a happy and sustainable life. We only have one life and one planet and we should all benefit from our common natural inheritance, as well as building a common legacy for our future generations.

When we help small business, we directly impact the local economy, and we ask for nothing in return, however if when you run a sucessful business, we have a proven way you can pay-it-forward.


Personal Integrity

People do business with People

People do business with people they Know, Like and Trust, therefore you need to be visable, so people can clearly see who they are dealing with, you need to be likeable, so people enjoy doing business with you, and you need to be trustworthy, so you do what you say you were going to do.


Local Focus

Business is the heart of community

Business pays 100% of the taxes that support your local community, pays local mortgages, pensions and puts food on local families tables. Without an expensive lobbyist, small businesses pay the lions share of this burden. We help where we can to keep your local money circulating in your local economy.


Global Awareness

Sustainable Trade is the key to our future

We must nurture the commons, account for our footprint, and leave the world a better place than we found it. Business growth needs to be sustainable, increasing production locally, reducing the use of scarce natural resources, recycling where possible, and making a positive impact on the world.

Membership - All we ask is an hour of your time, at most.

You pay only once, and you pay at a level that is right for you.

Diary for local time: The current server timezone is: Africa/Nairobi UTC: 02/19/2025 01:06:24 am



Next Week

next week

Next Month

next month

Next Year

next year


Let us promote you and help you find the services you need...


We show local business you can use.


We show local meetings you can attend.


We show local venues you can meet at.


We show local serviced offices you can use.

Contact Us


Book in for a cup of coffee

Meet up and buy me lunch

  Halifax, UK

  +44 7976 928586
